UPIM➡po prvi put u Hercegovini na 450 m2➡talijanska moda za muškarce i žene
UPIM (Unico Prezzo Italiano Milano) talijanski je lanac trgovina specijaliziranih za odjeću za muškarce, žene i djecu.
Prva UPIM trgovina otvorena je u Veroni davne 1928 godine, a trenutno posjeduju 135 trgovina u direktnom vlasništvu i više od 200 franšiza po cijelome svijetu.
Po prvi put u Hercegovini, na lokaciji prodajni centar Mališić Međugorje, na 450 m2 prodajnog prostora uskoro vas očekuje odjeća za žene i muškarce modernog dizajna i prihvatljivih cijena.
Iz grupacije UPIM kupci i posjetitelji su imali prigodu upoznati dječji brand BLUKIDS i uvjeriti se u kvalitetu i dizajn.
UPIM je odgovor na potrebe cijele obitelji za kvalitetnom odjećom,rubljem i modnim dodacima.
Odjeća je osnovna potreba i odraz vas i vašeg stila. Uz UPIM modele i cijene gradite nesmetano vaš stil jer zašto trošiti više nego što je potrebno zar ne?
Za veliki broj modela odjeće i rublja UPIM koristi biopamuk (pamuk proizveden bez upotrebe kemikalija) i certificirani su OEKO-TEX certifikatom.
Modeli odjeće UPIM su jednostavni,udobni i ugodni za nošenje jer dizajneri iz UPIM-a znaju prepoznati vaše potrebe.
U UPIM-u ćete pronaći sve što trebate vi,vaša obitelj i ljudi koje volite.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/upimhercegovina
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/upim_hercegovina/
Upim is at home.
You feel at home in the new Upim. Because it is simple, comfortable, pleasant.
And because he knows what your wants and needs are. Here at Upim you will find everything you are looking for for your clothing and for the people you love, for beauty and for the home. Quality products at Upim prices, because it makes no sense for us to spend too much. So what you save you can use for the really important things. Simple, isn’t it?
Upim, founded in 1928 in Verona, is the reference department store for service shopping, convenient, accessible and aimed at the concrete needs of families.
With over 400 stores, including outlets dedicated to children’s clothing, in city centers, shopping areas and residential areas throughout Italy, Upim is close to people in everyday life. Attention to contemporaneity and the real life of people, listening to the needs of families and the concrete needs of its customers, make Upim a daily, usual, domestic presence, a real point of reference for the territories where it is present.
Upim offers an offer that ranges from men’s and women’s clothing to children’s fashion with the Blukids brand which offers baby (0-36 months), kids (2-8 years) and junior (9-15 years) collections, which can be stand out for the use of natural fibers, up to personal care and the home with the Croff brand.
For many items of clothing and underwear Upim uses Biocotton (grown without the use of synthetic agricultural chemicals) and is certified by Oeko-Tex to ensure that no chemicals are used in the clothing. The company is part of the Better Cotton Initiative.
The company is part of the Better Cotton Initiative.
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